Recital with Anna Han
5 Pieces for Cello and Piano - Sulkhan Tsintsadze
Efeu for cello solo - Thomas Demenga
Mon-Puo Lee- 盛夏夜騎晚風
Alfred Schnittke - Cello Sonata No.1
Rachmaninoff, Sergei - Cello Sonata, Op.19
Silvestrov , Valentin- Postlude 3
Recital with Anna Han
5 Pieces for Cello and Piano - Sulkhan Tsintsadze
Efeu for cello solo - Thomas Demenga
Mon-Puo Lee- 盛夏夜騎晚風
Alfred Schnittke - Cello Sonata No.1
Rachmaninoff, Sergei - Cello Sonata, Op.19
Silvestrov , Valentin- Postlude 3